Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Unhappy News

In May 2012 the following notice appeared in the local papers of Langley Township. Their had been clues before but for most people this was the first they would hear of it. Many would not know for a while longer.

Many who read or glanced at it doubtless would not have realized the significance of what they were seeing, The technical descriptions detailing lot numbers and addresses told nothing of what was actually there but for those familiar with the land it was clear what was going on. The Township of Langley without public consultation or input was selling off two sets of properties of significant ecological value and rare beauty. Though the lots on the northeast corner of 252nd and 84th had left alone by it's owner the Township of Langley for over 70 yrs. that benign neglect had allowed a rare conifer forest once typical of the Fraser Valley to survive into the 2lst century. The other land located behind an long unused gravel pit on 84th now used  by the municipality for green waste and ditch cleanings is a  wooded areas giving shelter to wildlife increasingly hemmed in by development. People had a history of fighting for its conservation. Over the years both properties have been identified to the Township as being among the most environmentally sensitive areas in its own ownership and both have great potential to be nature parks.
This blog has been established to argue for their conservation and explain why many think they should be preserved. I hope to have information to help the citizens of Langley understand this important issue.

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